













後話,在上載網誌後,收到一為匿名人留言:「The owner and staff as well as other Japanese customers, have openly said to me they didn't want too many HK customers (but a few is ok) to come here and spoil the atmosphere:」,令我想起精武門的劇情,今天還有香港人禁入的日本地方?餐廳打開門,如不歡迎客人的話店方是有權限「送客的」,但我既來到,就會寫我所吃、所感、所經歷的事與大家分享,這段對話我亦會原文實錄。



食物: 1/2
配套: 1/2 
消費: 1/2

地址:香港島 銅鑼灣渣甸街54號富盛商業大廈3D


  1. hmmm, good place to drink

  2. Unfortunately - I actually am a regular patron here after work and I believed most customers mutually and deliberately keep it as low profile as possible and not put it on OR - that's despite it having opened for 4+ years!

    The owner and staff as well as other Japanese customers, have openly said to me they didn't want too many HK customers (but a few is ok) to come here and spoil the atmosphere:

    It should be kept as a secret hmmmmmm..... Seriously! :) There are similar 'low profile' places existing in Hong Kong esp. in CWB, trying to cater for only certain types of customers or those finishing golf.

    The nature of the shop will change completely after this review. I better finish up my saved-up bottle of Shochu. The food here is worth more than 4 anyway, depending on what one orders :(

  3. Unfortunately - I actually am a regular patron here after work and I believed most customers mutually and deliberately keep it as low profile as possible and not put it on OR - that's despite it having opened for 4+ years!

    The owner and staff as well as other Japanese customers, have openly said to me they didn't want too many HK customers (but a few is ok) to come here and spoil the atmosphere:

    It should be kept as a secret hmmmmmm..... Seriously! :) There are similar 'low profile' places existing in Hong Kong esp. in CWB, trying to cater for only certain types of customers or those finishing golf.

    The nature of the shop will change completely after this review. I better finish up my saved-up bottle of Shochu. The food here is worth more than 4 anyway, depending on what one orders :(

  4. I shall add - Its upto you to decide or not whether to keep this on your website! There are many places in the world which are kept sacred and secret for a reason... this is not the 1st one I've encountered.

    If you wanna know what the owners/staff have said to me about 'filtering' out HK customers, I can talk to you offline :)

  5. 你是誰,


  6. No offence at all. However, please ask yourself why do you think, it has been operating for nearly 5 years in Hong Kong quietly without anyone attempting to write an article on it on say openrice or wom and then claim its coveted 1st review status?

    Its been low profile for a reason and its because it needs to filter out its customer base and grow organically. All customers respect the shop and understand the philosophy behind its existence, it also says Members Only on the front.

    If you did not know, this shop is owned and operated by a 媽媽生 who caters for customers on a very personal basis. Its similar to a retired and more mature, 2nd stage hostess club without the young girls. Customers and 媽媽生 form really close bonds and call each another by name.

    Some dishes such as 西村 Sandwich and other items, are named after their long time Customers. The shop name was deliberately so because it caters for Japanese golfing customers after their games in privacy. Other dishes like 雞飯 are the home dishes of both the ladies. One of the lady has a hong kong husband too. Its a retreat and an enclave for the men who come here, working in a foreign country far away from home, so the jap customers shall feel at home here and at ease with the presence of mama.

    They actually welcome hong kong business people who appreciate and have experience with their culture or brought there by japanese friends. However please think of all consequences and imagine if your media attention brings in unwanted people who have little idea of how this shop survives and operates. It will actually ruin their business in no time and everyone loses if their regular customers run away.

    There is already a precedent. One such type of shop accidentally received media coverage despite insisting not to be coverd on anything other than Japanese press. It became flooded with unwanted customers and unfortunately as the boss can no longer cater for their closely associated customers anymore they decide to retire and sell their shop.

    Your Japanese friend brought you here in good faith and I am almost 100% certain he knows the owner really well as do all customers. As a good gesture, perhaps you could consult him first and ask for his opinion too. To me this type of shop can be referred to close friends by word-of-mouth but should not be published. Sorry.

  7. Anonymous,Why you so conservative and selfish?

  8. Bogey - it is a well known golf term and I guess all those who play golf understand what it means. The shop might be named to attract golfers in general but your argument that "The shop name was deliberately so because it caters for Japanese golfing customers" does not sound very convincing, at least to me.

    As for media coverage, the shop was mentioned twice in Eat & Travel Weekly (飲食男女) this year.

    Therefore, don't worry too much about "the shop become flooded with unwanted customers", the damage has already been done, if there is any indeed.

